San Rafael is a unique and diverse city in Marin County, California.
From its historic properties in the Dominican to its mid-century modern Eichler houses in Terra Linda/Lucas Valley, there are properties of every age and size.
Each neighborhood has specific characteristics that only a local appraiser, experienced in the San Rafael market, would know about.
Knowing the local market is pertinent because the value of your house could change drastically if an appraiser chooses the wrong neighborhood to use comparable properties from.
We are based out of San Rafael and know the local market well.
If you need a home appraisal in San Rafael, look no further. We can help you.
We Know the San Rafael Market
When it comes to appraisals, knowing the market is extremely important.
You wouldn’t want to see an appraisal for your Eichler house using ranch house comparables that aren’t Eichlers, just like you wouldn’t want to see comparables for your Gerstle Park house from Sun Valley.
Knowing the market and where to choose comparables is one of the most critical factors when appraising a home.
That’s why you want to work with a local appraiser like us.
Appraisal for Your San Rafael Property
If you need a real estate appraisal for your property in San Rafael, look no further.
Whether you are a broker, lender, estate, or homeowner, we can help you.
Our reports are thorough, reliable, and completed in a timely manner. And if there is ever an issue, we will work with you the resolve the issue until you are 100% satisfied.
Properties We Can Appraise
- Single Family Residences
- Condominiums
- 2-4 Unit Properties
- Land
- New Construction Properties
- Investment Properties
- Foreclosure Properties
- Estates
Neighborhoods We Cover
- Bayside Acres
- Bret Harte
- Canal
- Country Club
- Dominican
- Downtown
- Fairhills
- Gerstle Park
- Glenwood
- Loch Lomond
- Los Ranchitos
- Lucas Valley
- Marinwood
- Mont Marin
- Montecito
- Picnic Hill
- Santa Venetia
- Southern Heights
- Sun Valley
- Terra Linda
- Villa Real
- West End
- Unincorporated San Rafael
Get Your Free Appraisal Fee Quote
If you need a home appraisal done by a local San Rafael appraiser, click the button below to get started today.
Frequently Asked Questions
The appraisal inspection typically consists of measuring, taking photos, and taking notes. The appraiser will start by measuring the exterior dimensions. Then the appraiser will come inside and take photos of all rooms and bathrooms. The appraiser will take notes on the house’s condition, the quality of the materials used, and whether there is any deferred maintenance. The appraiser should ask you questions about recent improvements, HOA-related information, or anything the appraiser would need to know to write an accurate report. The appraisal will typically take 30 minutes + depending on the size and complexity of your home.
The appraiser will look at the overall condition of the property, the quality of materials used in the original construction and updates, additional amenities (Like a pool, spa, or guest house), negative external influences (Like busy roads or commercial properties nearby), and the property as a whole. The appraiser will absorb as much information as needed to feel like they can determine an accurate value for your home.
A real estate appraisal in San Rafael can cost anywhere from $500 to a few thousand dollars. It all depends on the appraiser’s typical fee schedule, the complexity of the property, and the speed at which you need the report. $500 – $750 is typically the going rate for a standard single-family residential appraisal in normal market conditions.
It all depends on the appraiser, we always shoot for having the report back to you within one week after inspecting the property. Most take two weeks or more.